
News — smoke

Not too hot and not too cold - Achieving Ideal Heat With COBB

Posted by Sidek Kamiso at

Controlling Heat in COBB  If my last post is about attaining perfection, this post is about fine-tuning that perfection. While COBB maximum temperature is best for roasting, slower cooking method requires lower temperature. Low temperature is perfect for slow cooking. If you use COBB Gas, you can get the desired temperature by just turning the knob to low. However, if you use charcoal, you have to perform a few extra steps in order to achieve the ideal temperature. Meat cut such as beef brisket is suitable for slow roast.  The first step, is to determine what kind of food you are...

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Charcoal or Gas BBQ? The right question should be who will do the clean up afterwards!

Posted by Sidek Kamiso at

Ok...I don't like charcoal and I don't like how it feels on my hands. I am also a non-smoker and don't want to share my second hand smoke from my BBQ with others. Did I tell you that I live in an apartment and my neighbours will complain if  I produces too much smoke? If you fit into the above descriptions and smoke is your enemy, gas BBQ is for you. However, charcoal BBQ has its benefits too. Based on feedbacks from our customers, charcoal remains the favourite for many. Some swear by the smoky flavour of their BBQ meat when...

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Absolutely one of the best way to have turkey

Posted by norlin wan musa at

A dear friend of ours flew in from Melbourne recently. To celebrate her, we decided to throw an early Christmas dinner.  Our main course was a 4kg turkey, smoked in the Cobb Premier. We served it with our homemade cranberry sauce, gravy, roasted potatoes and butternut squash. There is no trick to do it with COBB. We just brine the turkey overnight and truss the bird with string and place it on a roast rack with COBB extension. For smoking with use apple wood chips which has been soak in water. The whole process takes about 3.5 hours. We need to...

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